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Lakewood artists


Where would we be without our inspiring musicians!?!
Here we are introducing some of the fantastic artists we have the fabulous pleasure to work with.



Lakewood artists in alphabetical order

Aaron Douglas
Origin: United Kingdom
Guitar model: M-24 CPG
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Artist image Aaron Douglas
Adrian Thessenvitz
Band: Ad Infinitum
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-35 CP, M-34 Bariton custom
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Artist image Adrian Thessenvitz
Agustín Amigó
Origin: Spain
Guitar model: A-48 custom
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Artist image Agustín Amigó
Albert Frey
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-52 CP, D-53 CP
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Artist image Albert Frey
Anne Haigis
Origin: Germany
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Artist image Anne Haigis
Arne Kopfermann
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32 CP, A-32 CP, J-32 und M-48 custom
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Artist image Arne Kopfermann
Axel Fischer
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32 CP
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Artist image Axel Fischer
Bill Dutcher
Origin: United States (USA)
Guitar model: M-22 custom, J-32 custom
What's special about Bill Dutcher?
All rules are thrown out the window and an improvisational circus explodes before your eyes.
Artist image Bill Dutcher
Carl Carlton
Band: Maffay, Songdogs
Origin: United States (USA)
Guitar model: D-48 custom
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Artist image Carl Carlton
Chris Werner - KUULT
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: A-22 Edition 2019
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Artist image Chris Werner - KUULT
Christian Lidsba
Band: Stanfour
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: J-32 CP
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Artist image Christian Lidsba
Christina Lux
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: D-50 custom, J-32 Bariton, A-36 CP Crossover
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Artist image Christina Lux
Claas-P. Jambor
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32 CP, J-34 custom
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Artist image Claas-P. Jambor
Dave Matthews
Band: Dave Matthews Band
Origin: United States (USA)
Guitar model: M-32, M-32 cut
Artist image Dave Matthews
Emanuel Reiter
Origin: Switzerland
Guitar model: M-32 CP
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Artist image Emanuel Reiter
Emilio Lanza
Origin: Italy
Guitar model: A-32 CP
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Artist image Emilio Lanza
Eva Atmatzidou
Origin: Greece
Guitar model: D-32 & M-31 CP
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Artist image Eva Atmatzidou
Francesco Faldani
Origin: Italy
Guitar model: M-18
Artist image Francesco Faldani
Gabor Lesko
Origin: Italy
Guitar model: D-32 CP, M-45 custom
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Artist image Gabor Lesko
Gavino Loche
Origin: Italy
Guitar model: A-31 custom, J-14 custom
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Artist image Gavino Loche
Giovanni Palombo
Origin: Italy
Guitar model: M-32 CP
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Artist image Giovanni Palombo
Glen Phillips
Origin: United States (USA)
Guitar model: M-32
Artist image Glen Phillips
Gregor Meyle
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: Gregor Meyle Signature Modell
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Artist image Gregor Meyle
Band: Donots
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: D-14 heavy relic
Artist image Guido
Gustav Wolter
Origin: Denmark
Guitar model: M-14 custom, M-32 custom, D-32 custom
What's special about Gustav Wolter?
Artist image Gustav Wolter
Hannes Porombka
Band: LEA, Mine, We Are Rome
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: D-34 Edition 2019
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Artist image Hannes Porombka
Heinz Rudolf Kunze
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: D-32 custom, J-50 Premium, D-18 CP
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Artist image Heinz Rudolf Kunze
Ingo Mützel
Band: Cuba Vista, Deine - Tourband
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: D-32 CP, M-32 Edition 2018
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Artist image Ingo Mützel
Jade Gallagher
Origin: United Kingdom
Guitar model: A-32, A-32 CP
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Artist image Jade Gallagher
Jakob Bruckner
Band: Bruckner
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32 custom, M-32, A-36 custom
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Artist image Jakob Bruckner
Jens Burger
Band: Die Schröders & Monsters of Liedermaching
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-18 cut, D-14, J-32 custom
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Artist image Jens Burger
Johannes Oerding
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-48 custom
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Artist image Johannes Oerding
John Blek
Origin: Ireland
Guitar model: M-14, M-32
What's special about John Blek?
Artist image John Blek
Jonathan Kluth
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32, M-24 CPG
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Artist image Jonathan Kluth
Jürgen Kumlehn
Band: Annett Louisan
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-14 custom
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Artist image Jürgen Kumlehn
Klaus Göttler
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32, A-14 CP, J-14 Bariton, A-44 custom
Artist image Klaus Göttler
Koray Cinar
Band: Parallel
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: J-50 Premium
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Artist image Koray Cinar
Leon Alex
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32 CP
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Artist image Leon Alex
Linda Bender
Band: LIN
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32 custom
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Artist image Linda Bender
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32 Edition 2018
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Artist image LOTTE
Lupo, Nuki, Willi Wildschwein
Band: Grobschnitt
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: A-32 Edition 2018, M-32, J-32, M-45 CP
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Artist image Lupo, Nuki, Willi Wildschwein
Marcus Fechner
Band: Suntears
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32, M-14, M-32 custom
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Artist image Marcus Fechner
Mark Hogan
Origin: Ireland
Guitar model: D-14 custom
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Artist image Mark Hogan
Markus Baltensperger
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32 custom, J-32 custom, M-31 Bariton custom, A-32 custom
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Artist image Markus Baltensperger
Markus Vollmer
Band: Sing meinen Song
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-31 custom, J-32 Bariton, M-14, D-18
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Artist image Markus Vollmer
Matt Andersen
Origin: Canada
Guitar model: J-32 CP, J-32 custom
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Artist image Matt Andersen
Max Grund
Band: Apache 207, Nico Santos, Rea Garvey, Tom Twers, Levent Geiger, Marie Bothmer, Anica Russo
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32 CP
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Artist image Max Grund
Meike Koester
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: D-12, J-14
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Artist image Meike Koester
Michael Breitschopf
Band: Gonzo`s Friends
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: A-36 Premium, M-35 custom
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Artist image Michael Breitschopf
Michelangelo 'Micki' Piperno
Origin: Italy
Guitar model: M-48 custom
Artist image Michelangelo 'Micki' Piperno
Nando G. Miguel
Origin: Spain
Guitar model: D-18 CP
Artist image Nando G. Miguel
Nicholas Mueller
Band: von Brücken
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: D-31 custom, J-14 Bariton
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Artist image Nicholas Mueller
Nico Rebscher
Band: Lauter Leben
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-18 custom, M-31 CP
Artist image Nico Rebscher
Norman Keil
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-18 CP
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Artist image Norman Keil
Pete Lincoln
Origin: United Kingdom
Guitar model: M-32 CP
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Artist image Pete Lincoln
Raph Krauss
Band: Krauss
Origin: Switzerland
Guitar model: D-32
Artist image Raph Krauss
RayRay Cheng
Origin: Taiwan
Guitar model: M-45 custom
What's special about RayRay Cheng?
RayRay started public performances at the tender age of 8, first on the ukulele. Since then he can also be seen on YouTube and step by step he is gaining a larger fan base.
Artist image RayRay Cheng
Reini Adelbert
Origin: South Africa
Guitar model: D-32 custom, J-32 custom, M-31-12 custom
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Artist image Reini Adelbert
Ritchie Blackmore
Band: Blackmore's Night
Origin: United Kingdom
Guitar model: A-32, Moon-Guitar, 12-string Lute-Guitar
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Artist image Ritchie Blackmore
Robert C. Blank
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: A-32, M-32 custom, D-18 CP
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Artist image Robert C. Blank
Rui Veloso
Origin: Portugal
Guitar model: M-NC CP
Artist image Rui Veloso
Sarah Brendel
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32, M-32 CP
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Artist image Sarah Brendel
Simone Pirola
Origin: Italy
Guitar model: M-18 CP
Artist image Simone Pirola
Sophia Poppensieker
Band: Tonbandgerät
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: D-14 CP
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Artist image Sophia Poppensieker
Sophie Chassée
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-34 custom
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Artist image Sophie Chassée
Steven Law
Origin: Hong Kong
Guitar model: M-32 CP
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Artist image Steven Law
Sungha Jung
Origin: Korea (South Korea)
Guitar model: Sungha Jung Signature Modell, M-18 custom, A-48 custom
What's special about Sungha Jung?
Artist image Sungha Jung
Thom Yorke
Band: Radiohead
Origin: United Kingdom
Guitar model: M-14
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Artist image Thom Yorke
Thorsten Wingenfelder
Band: Wingenfelder
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-54, M-14, Lakewood Stage-Gitarre
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Artist image Thorsten Wingenfelder
Tim Sparks
Origin: United States (USA)
Guitar model: A-32 custom
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Artist image Tim Sparks
Ulle Rohde
Band: von Brücken, Roger Cicero, BAP
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: J-14 Bariton
Artist image Ulle Rohde
Ulli Bögershausen
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: Ulli Bögershausen Signature Modell, M-54-12
What's special about Ulli Bögershausen?
His eye for the essence of a song is unsurpassed. Who once plunged into the world of Ulli Bögershausen doesn't want to leave it so quickly again.
Artist image Ulli Bögershausen
Wallis Bird
Origin: Ireland
Guitar model: M-14 custom, M-32
What's special about Wallis Bird?
If you have not seen Wallis Bird live, you will not know what she's on about!
Artist image Wallis Bird
Wolf Maahn
Origin: Germany
Guitar model: M-32 custom
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Artist image Wolf Maahn